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Friday, January 4, 2008

Official Browser Bug Tracking

As readers may recall from the Welcome Page this site was created to fill a gap between existing and non-existing bug tracking databases for Web Browsers.

As a service to Web Developers everywhere that just want to know how to workaround some of the most annoying browser bugs and/or find out when they will be fixed, this site was put together.

As mentioned from the onset, the idea was to tie into existing bug tracking systems wherever possible, and provide updates when the status of any bug changes.

In addition, we think it is important to provide info on the official bug tracking systems, as this site is by no means a complete solution. The following list indicates the bug tracking system available for each Web Browser:

Official Public Bug Tracking Sites:

Unfortunately Microsoft seems to not be interested in receiving any bug reports for IE (6 or 7). This doesn't sit well as a company policy as Browsers move ahead as the default development platform of Enterprise Applications however we hope that as IE8 appears over the horizon, that they realize the mistake in this approach and provide public tracking of issues.

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