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Saturday, November 29, 2008

bug 375 - no window.onresize event in IE8 Beta 2

Issue: #375
Affects: IE8 Beta 2, IE8 PR1, IE8 RC1
MSIE Feedback ID: 410707

MSIE Feedback ID: 390166

MSIE Feedback ID: 377719

MSIE Feedback ID: 364571

Note: There was a partial fix in IE8 RC1 however iframes still do not fire resize events properly.

When IE8 Beta 2 shipped it was a significant improvement over Beta 1 - quite simply by the fact that it was actually usable!

There is however a regression bug (that MS claims is fixed in their internal builds moving towards a Q1,2009 RC1 release) with the window.resize event never, ever firing!

As a result, any attempt to capture this event and execute some JavaScript logic on it will fail. Hopefully this will be fixed in the RC release... but we are wondering... does this mean (bug 104) will also be fixed? or will it behave like IE7 did? or IE6 did?

Known Workarounds: None.

Related Issues: One. (bug 104)

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