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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

bug 179 - .innerHTML love outside the body is hit and miss

Issue: #179
Affects: IE6, IE7, IE8, Safari 4, Chrome 2

As most developers know, setting the .innerHTML of an element is one of the fastest ways to dynamically set the content of an element. However there are a few issues when setting the .innerHTML on some elements in some browsers.

For example trying to set the .innerHTML on a [Table, THead, TFoot, TBody, TR] in IE it will fail as will trying to set it on a Select, Pre, or even a (Div with overflow:auto).

Thinking outside the <body> tag, there's a few more tags that you might want to set the .innerHTML on.

The <html>, <head>, <title> tags. Now we can argue that the title tag doesn't accept HTML, but well, we'll let the results speak for themselves.

Firefox: Works
Internet Explorer: Fails
Safari: Works
Chrome: Works
Opera: Works

Firefox: Works
Internet Explorer: Fails
Safari: Fails
Chrome: Fails
Opera: Works (Partially) resets the title but doesn't update styles or scripts

Firefox: Works
Internet Explorer: Fails
Safari: Fails
Chrome: Fails
Opera: Works

Known Workarounds: Use DOM methods to update the content of various tags, and document.title to reset the title value. Just keep in mind that there are other bugs with setting the contents of the script tag, and style tag in IE.

Related Issues: None.

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